
The App

With the use of the Trash Tracker, the individual user becomes aware of how much food they throw away. On a general basis, this will increase awareness and over time reduce the amount of food wasted.

Showcase of our app

How it works

The app on your phone is connected to a weighing scale under your trash can. Whenever you want to throw away your trash you click on a button on your phone that weighs the content of your trash can. The results are saved either in the cloud or privately on your phone. The point of saving the results for each day is to keep track of your improvement and letting you know if your new strategies for saving food are working or not.

Trash Tracker physical product


Measure your waste by using the Trash Tracker combined with our app that saves measurements and stores information. This will help you get an overview of the amount of food that you’re wasting.

Share your statistics

The results you get are mainly there for the user, but you can also choose to share your statistics with us. By sharing your statistics, we can keep track of how well your country is doing, as well as the rest of the world. This will allow us to get an image of the more improved countries and the less improved countries.

Set your goals

Every week, month and year you can set yourself new goals. These goals are there to give the user motivation by having something to aim for.

Mobile app goals